Source code for bitsharesbase.objects

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json

from collections import OrderedDict

from graphenebase.objects import GrapheneObject
from graphenebase.objects import Operation as GrapheneOperation
from graphenebase.objects import isArgsThisClass, Asset
from graphenebase.types import Array, Bool, Bytes, Fixed_array, Id, Int16, Int64, Map
from graphenebase.types import ObjectId as GPHObjectId
from graphenebase.types import (

from .account import PublicKey
from .objecttypes import object_type
from .operationids import operations

default_prefix = "BTS"

BlockId = Ripemd160

[docs]class Operation(GrapheneOperation): """Need to overwrite a few attributes to load proper operations from bitshares.""" module = "bitsharesbase.operations" operations = operations
[docs]class ObjectId(GPHObjectId): """Need to overwrite a few attributes to load proper object_types from bitshares.""" object_types = object_type
[docs]def AssetId(asset): return ObjectId(asset, "asset")
[docs]def AccountId(asset): return ObjectId(asset, "account")
[docs]class Memo(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", default_prefix) if "message" in kwargs and kwargs["message"]: super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("from", PublicKey(kwargs["from"], prefix=prefix)), ("to", PublicKey(kwargs["to"], prefix=prefix)), ("nonce", Uint64(int(kwargs["nonce"]))), ("message", Bytes(kwargs["message"])), ] ) ) else: super().__init__(None)
[docs]class Price(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] super().__init__( OrderedDict( [("base", Asset(kwargs["base"])), ("quote", Asset(kwargs["quote"]))] ) )
[docs]class PriceFeed(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("settlement_price", Price(kwargs["settlement_price"])), ( "maintenance_collateral_ratio", Uint16(kwargs["maintenance_collateral_ratio"]), ), ( "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio", Uint16(kwargs["maximum_short_squeeze_ratio"]), ), ("core_exchange_rate", Price(kwargs["core_exchange_rate"])), ] ) )
[docs]class Permission(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", default_prefix) if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] kwargs["key_auths"] = sorted( kwargs["key_auths"], key=lambda x: PublicKey(x[0], prefix=prefix), reverse=False, ) accountAuths = Map( [ [ObjectId(e[0], "account"), Uint16(e[1])] for e in kwargs["account_auths"] ] ) keyAuths = Map( [ [PublicKey(e[0], prefix=prefix), Uint16(e[1])] for e in kwargs["key_auths"] ] ) super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("weight_threshold", Uint32(int(kwargs["weight_threshold"]))), ("account_auths", accountAuths), ("key_auths", keyAuths), ("extensions", Set([])), ] ) )
[docs]class AccountOptions(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Allow for overwrite of prefix prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", default_prefix) if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] # remove dublicates kwargs["votes"] = list(set(kwargs["votes"])) # Sort votes kwargs["votes"] = sorted( kwargs["votes"], key=lambda x: float(x.split(":")[1]) ) super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("memo_key", PublicKey(kwargs["memo_key"], prefix=prefix)), ( "voting_account", ObjectId(kwargs["voting_account"], "account"), ), ("num_witness", Uint16(kwargs["num_witness"])), ("num_committee", Uint16(kwargs["num_committee"])), ("votes", Array([VoteId(o) for o in kwargs["votes"]])), ("extensions", Set([])), ] ) )
[docs]class AssetOptions(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("max_supply", Int64(kwargs["max_supply"])), ("market_fee_percent", Uint16(kwargs["market_fee_percent"])), ("max_market_fee", Int64(kwargs["max_market_fee"])), ("issuer_permissions", Uint16(kwargs["issuer_permissions"])), ("flags", Uint16(kwargs["flags"])), ("core_exchange_rate", Price(kwargs["core_exchange_rate"])), ( "whitelist_authorities", Array( [ ObjectId(x, "account") for x in kwargs["whitelist_authorities"] ] ), ), ( "blacklist_authorities", Array( [ ObjectId(x, "account") for x in kwargs["blacklist_authorities"] ] ), ), ( "whitelist_markets", Array( [ ObjectId(x, "asset") for x in kwargs["whitelist_markets"] ] ), ), ( "blacklist_markets", Array( [ ObjectId(x, "asset") for x in kwargs["blacklist_markets"] ] ), ), ("description", String(kwargs["description"])), ("extensions", Set([])), ] ) )
[docs]class BitAssetOptions(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("feed_lifetime_sec", Uint32(kwargs["feed_lifetime_sec"])), ("minimum_feeds", Uint8(kwargs["minimum_feeds"])), ( "force_settlement_delay_sec", Uint32(kwargs["force_settlement_delay_sec"]), ), ( "force_settlement_offset_percent", Uint16(kwargs["force_settlement_offset_percent"]), ), ( "maximum_force_settlement_volume", Uint16(kwargs["maximum_force_settlement_volume"]), ), ( "short_backing_asset", ObjectId(kwargs["short_backing_asset"], "asset"), ), ("extensions", Set([])), ] ) )
[docs]class Worker_initializer(Static_variant): def __init__(self, o): class Burn_worker_initializer(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, kwargs): super().__init__(OrderedDict([])) class Refund_worker_initializer(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, kwargs): super().__init__(OrderedDict([])) class Vesting_balance_worker_initializer(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if isArgsThisClass(self, args): = args[0].data else: if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0: kwargs = args[0] super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ( "pay_vesting_period_days", Uint16(kwargs["pay_vesting_period_days"]), ) ] ) ) id = o[0] if id == 0: data = Refund_worker_initializer(o[1]) elif id == 1: data = Vesting_balance_worker_initializer(o[1]) elif id == 2: data = Burn_worker_initializer(o[1]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown {}".format( super().__init__(data, id)
[docs]class SpecialAuthority(Static_variant): def __init__(self, o): class No_special_authority(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, kwargs): super().__init__(OrderedDict([])) class Top_holders_special_authority(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, kwargs): super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("asset", ObjectId(kwargs["asset"], "asset")), ("num_top_holders", Uint8(kwargs["num_top_holders"])), ] ) ) id = o[0] if id == 0: data = No_special_authority(o[1]) elif id == 1: data = Top_holders_special_authority(o[1]) else: raise Exception("Unknown SpecialAuthority") super().__init__(data, id)
[docs]class Extension(Array): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.json = {} a = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.json.update({key: value}) for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): self.json.update(arg) for index, extension in enumerate(self.sorted_options): name = extension[0] klass = extension[1] for key, value in self.json.items(): if key.lower() == name.lower(): a.append(Static_variant(klass(value), index)) super().__init__(a) def __str__(self): """We overload the __str__ function because the json representation is different for extensions.""" return json.dumps(self.json)
[docs]class AccountCreateExtensions(Extension):
[docs] class Null_ext(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(OrderedDict([]))
[docs] class Buyback_options(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(args[0]) super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("asset_to_buy", ObjectId(kwargs["asset_to_buy"], "asset")), ( "asset_to_buy_issuer", ObjectId(kwargs["asset_to_buy_issuer"], "account"), ), ( "markets", Array([ObjectId(x, "asset") for x in kwargs["markets"]]), ), ] ) )
sorted_options = [ ("null_ext", Null_ext), ("owner_special_authority", SpecialAuthority), ("active_special_authority", SpecialAuthority), ("buyback_options", Buyback_options), ]
[docs]class CallOrderExtension(Extension):
[docs] def targetCollateralRatio(value): if value: return Uint16(value) else: return None
sorted_options = [("target_collateral_ratio", targetCollateralRatio)]
[docs]class AssertPredicate(Static_variant): def __init__(self, o): class Account_name_eq_lit_predicate(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(args[0]) super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("account_id", ObjectId(kwargs["account_id"], "account")), ("name", String(kwargs["name"])), ] ) ) class Asset_symbol_eq_lit_predicate(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(args[0]) super().__init__( OrderedDict( [ ("asset_id", ObjectId(kwargs["asset_id"], "asset")), ("symbol", String(kwargs["symbol"])), ] ) ) class Block_id_predicate(GrapheneObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(args[0]) super().__init__(OrderedDict([("id", BlockId(kwargs["id"]))])) id = o[0] if id == 0: data = Account_name_eq_lit_predicate(o[1]) elif id == 1: data = Asset_symbol_eq_lit_predicate(o[1]) elif id == 2: data = Block_id_predicate(o[1]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown {}".format( super().__init__(data, id)