Source code for bitshares.aio.dex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# from .storage import config
from bitsharesbase import operations

from .account import Account
from .amount import Amount
from .asset import Asset
from .instance import BlockchainInstance
from .price import Price
from .market import Market

[docs]class Dex(BlockchainInstance): """ This class simplifies interactions with the decentralized exchange. :param bitshares.aio.bitshares.BitShares blockchain_instance: BitShares instance .. note:: The methods of this class only deal with a single asset (at most). If you are looking to deal with orders for trading, please use :class:``. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BlockchainInstance.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def returnFees(self): """ Returns a dictionary of all fees that apply through the network. Example output: .. code-block:: js {'proposal_create': {'fee': 400000.0}, 'asset_publish_feed': {'fee': 1000.0}, 'account_create': {'basic_fee': 950000.0, 'price_per_kbyte': 20000.0, 'premium_fee': 40000000.0}, 'custom': {'fee': 20000.0}, 'asset_fund_fee_pool': {'fee': 20000.0}, 'override_transfer': {'fee': 400000.0}, 'fill_order': {}, 'asset_update': {'price_per_kbyte': 20000.0, 'fee': 200000.0}, 'asset_update_feed_producers': {'fee': 10000000.0}, 'assert': {'fee': 20000.0}, 'committee_member_create': {'fee': 100000000.0}} """ from bitsharesbase.operations import operations r = {} obj, base = await self.blockchain.rpc.get_objects(["2.0.0", "1.3.0"]) fees = obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["parameters"] scale = float(obj["parameters"]["current_fees"]["scale"]) for f in fees: op_name = "unknown %d" % f[0] for name in operations: if operations[name] == f[0]: op_name = name fs = f[1] for _type in fs: fs[_type] = float(fs[_type]) * scale / 1e4 / 10 ** base["precision"] r[op_name] = fs return r
[docs] async def list_debt_positions(self, account=None): """ List Call Positions (borrowed assets and amounts) :return: Struct of assets with amounts and call price :rtype: dict **Example**: .. code-block: js {'USD': {'collateral': '865893.75000', 'collateral_asset': 'BTS', 'debt': 120.00000} """ if not account: if "default_account" in self.blockchain.config: account = self.blockchain.config["default_account"] if not account: raise ValueError("You need to provide an account") account = await Account(account, full=True, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) r = {} for debt in account.get("call_orders"): base = await Asset( debt["call_price"]["base"]["asset_id"], full=True, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain, ) quote = await Asset( debt["call_price"]["quote"]["asset_id"], full=True, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain, ) if not quote.is_bitasset: continue await quote.ensure_full() bitasset = quote["bitasset_data"] settlement_price = await Price( bitasset["current_feed"]["settlement_price"], blockchain_instance=self.blockchain, ) if not settlement_price: continue collateral_amount = await Amount( {"amount": debt["collateral"], "asset": base} ) debt_amount = await Amount({"amount": debt["debt"], "asset": quote}) call_price = float(collateral_amount) / ( float(debt_amount) * (bitasset["current_feed"]["maintenance_collateral_ratio"] / 1000) ) market = await Market("{}:{}".format(base["symbol"], quote["symbol"])) latest = (await market.ticker())["latest"] r[quote["symbol"]] = { "collateral": collateral_amount, "debt": debt_amount, "call_price": call_price, "settlement_price": settlement_price, "ratio": float(collateral_amount) / float(debt_amount) * float(latest), } return r
[docs] async def close_debt_position(self, symbol, account=None): """ Close a debt position and reclaim the collateral. :param str symbol: Symbol to close debt position for :raises ValueError: if symbol has no open call position """ if not account: if "default_account" in self.blockchain.config: account = self.blockchain.config["default_account"] if not account: raise ValueError("You need to provide an account") account = await Account(account, full=True, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) debts = await self.list_debt_positions(account) if symbol not in debts: raise ValueError("No call position open for %s" % symbol) debt = debts[symbol] asset = debt["debt"]["asset"] collateral_asset = debt["collateral"]["asset"] op = operations.Call_order_update( **{ "fee": {"amount": 0, "asset_id": "1.3.0"}, "delta_debt": { "amount": int(-float(debt["debt"]) * 10 ** asset["precision"]), "asset_id": asset["id"], }, "delta_collateral": { "amount": int( -float(debt["collateral"]) * 10 ** collateral_asset["precision"] ), "asset_id": collateral_asset["id"], }, "funding_account": account["id"], "extensions": [], } ) return await self.blockchain.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")
[docs] async def adjust_debt( self, delta, new_collateral_ratio=None, account=None, target_collateral_ratio=None, ): """ Adjust the amount of debt for an asset. :param Amount delta: Delta amount of the debt (-10 means reduce debt by 10, +10 means borrow another 10) :param float new_collateral_ratio: collateral ratio to maintain (optional, by default tries to maintain old ratio) :param float target_collateral_ratio: Tag the call order so that in case of margin call, only enough debt is covered to get back to this ratio :raises ValueError: if symbol is not a bitasset :raises ValueError: if collateral ratio is smaller than maintenance collateral ratio :raises ValueError: if required amounts of collateral are not available """ if not account: if "default_account" in self.blockchain.config: account = self.blockchain.config["default_account"] if not account: raise ValueError("You need to provide an account") account = await Account(account, full=True, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) # We sell quote and pay with base symbol = delta["symbol"] asset = await Asset(symbol, full=True, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) if not asset.is_bitasset: raise ValueError("%s is not a bitasset!" % symbol) bitasset = asset["bitasset_data"] # Check minimum collateral ratio backing_asset_id = bitasset["options"]["short_backing_asset"] current_debts = await self.list_debt_positions(account) if not new_collateral_ratio and symbol not in current_debts: new_collateral_ratio = ( bitasset["current_feed"]["maintenance_collateral_ratio"] / 1000 ) elif not new_collateral_ratio and symbol in current_debts: new_collateral_ratio = current_debts[symbol]["ratio"] # Derive Amount of Collateral collateral_asset = await Asset( backing_asset_id, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain ) settlement_price = await Price( bitasset["current_feed"]["settlement_price"], blockchain_instance=self.blockchain, ) if symbol in current_debts: amount_of_collateral = ( (float(current_debts[symbol]["debt"]) + float(delta["amount"])) * new_collateral_ratio / float(settlement_price) ) amount_of_collateral -= float(current_debts[symbol]["collateral"]) else: amount_of_collateral = ( float(delta["amount"]) * new_collateral_ratio / float(settlement_price) ) # Verify that enough funds are available fundsNeeded = amount_of_collateral + float( (await self.returnFees())["call_order_update"]["fee"] ) fundsHave = await account.balance(collateral_asset["symbol"]) or 0 if fundsHave <= fundsNeeded: raise ValueError( "Not enough funds available. Need %f %s, but only %f %s are available" % ( fundsNeeded, collateral_asset["symbol"], fundsHave, collateral_asset["symbol"], ) ) payload = { "fee": {"amount": 0, "asset_id": "1.3.0"}, "delta_debt": { "amount": int(float(delta) * 10 ** asset["precision"]), "asset_id": asset["id"], }, "delta_collateral": { "amount": int( float(amount_of_collateral) * 10 ** collateral_asset["precision"] ), "asset_id": collateral_asset["id"], }, "funding_account": account["id"], "extensions": {}, } # Extension if target_collateral_ratio: payload["extensions"].update( {"target_collateral_ratio": int(target_collateral_ratio * 100)} ) op = operations.Call_order_update(**payload) return await self.blockchain.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")
[docs] async def adjust_collateral_ratio( self, symbol, new_collateral_ratio, account=None, target_collateral_ratio=None ): """ Adjust the collataral ratio of a debt position. :param str symbol: Symbol to adjust collateral for :param float new_collateral_ratio: desired collateral ratio :param float target_collateral_ratio: Tag the call order so that in case of margin call, only enough debt is covered to get back to this ratio :raises ValueError: if symbol is not a bitasset :raises ValueError: if collateral ratio is smaller than maintenance collateral ratio :raises ValueError: if required amounts of collateral are not available """ if not account: if "default_account" in self.blockchain.config: account = self.blockchain.config["default_account"] if not account: raise ValueError("You need to provide an account") account = await Account(account, full=True, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) current_debts = await self.list_debt_positions(account) if symbol not in current_debts: raise ValueError( "No Call position available to adjust! Please borrow first!" ) return await self.adjust_debt( await Amount(0, symbol), new_collateral_ratio, account, target_collateral_ratio=target_collateral_ratio, )
[docs] async def borrow( self, amount, collateral_ratio=None, account=None, target_collateral_ratio=None ): """ Borrow bitassets/smartcoins from the network by putting up collateral in a CFD at a given collateral ratio. :param Amount amount: Amount to borrow (denoted in 'asset') :param float collateral_ratio: Collateral ratio to borrow at :param float target_collateral_ratio: Tag the call order so that in case of margin call, only enough debt is covered to get back to this ratio :raises ValueError: if symbol is not a bitasset :raises ValueError: if collateral ratio is smaller than maintenance collateral ratio :raises ValueError: if required amounts of collateral are not available """ return await self.adjust_debt( amount, collateral_ratio, account, target_collateral_ratio=target_collateral_ratio, )