Asyncio support =============== The library has full support of asyncio, though you need to be aware it has some limitations. Example ------- A very basic example: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from bitshares.aio import BitShares from bitshares.aio.instance import set_shared_bitshares_instance async def info(loop, bitshares): await bitshares.connect() set_shared_bitshares_instance(bitshares) print(await def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() bitshares = BitShares(loop=loop) loop.run_until_complete(info(loop, bitshares)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Instantiation of BitShares -------------------------- To be able to perform calls, you need to explicitly run `await BitShares.connect()`. That is, creating of instance object and actual network connection are separate operations in async version: .. code-block:: python bitshares = BitShares(loop=loop) await bitshares.connect() Limitations ----------- * Most of the classes requires async init because during instantiation some API calls has to be performed: .. code-block:: python await Amount('10 FOO') * Several math operations are not available for :class:`bitshares.aio.Amount`, :class:`bitshares.aio.Price` objects. This includes multiplication, division etc. This limitation is due to unability to define python magic methods (``__mul__``, ``__div__``, etc) as async coroutines * Most of properties are awaitables too: .. code-block:: python asset = await Asset('CNY') await asset.max_market_fee Subscriptions ------------- In asyncio version subscription notifications are not handled in callback-based manner. Instead, they are available in `self.notifications` queue which is :class:`asyncio.Queue`. You can use a single bitshares instance both for setting subscriptions and performing other API calls. Here is the example of how to subscribe and handle events: .. code-block:: python market = await Market("TEST/USD") await bitshares.subscribe_to_market(market, event_id=4) while True: event = await bitshares.notifications.get() print(event) Debugging --------- To enable debugging on RPC level, you can raise loglevel on following loggers (don't forget to set formatter as well): .. code-block:: python log = logging.getLogger("websockets") log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log = logging.getLogger("grapheneapi") log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) Tests ----- Asyncio version has a dedicated testsuite which uses real API integration tests which are performed against local bitshares-core testnet. Bitshares node is spawned automatically inside docker container. You don't need to setup anything. Before running tests you need to install dependencies via `pip intstall -r requirements-test.txt` Run tests via `pytest -v tests/testnet/aio/`